Thursday, September 21, 2017

Drawing Progress - Self Assessment

Self Assessment - Drawing Progress

Answer the following questions about the ELEMENTS of ART.
What are the characteristics of Line? How did you use it in your drawings?
What are the characteristics of Shape? How did you use it in your drawings?
What are the characteristics of Form? How did you use it in your drawings?

Answer the following questions:
Grade your WORK ETHIC based on the Rubric.

How did you feel you improved from your very first drawings to the final drawings?
At first I didn't understand to.....
Now I understand to...
I still don't understand how to....
What did you find the easiest in your drawings?
What did you find the most difficult?

My Drawing Progress grade should be....

Post Your Drawing Progress - 9-21

You should have the following posted by now:

  • First Drawings
  • Class notes
  • Ellipse practice
  • Tube-Proportion practice
  • Tubes and box - Line Drawings
  • Value scale

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Finding Angles - The Pencil and Clock Trick

When you are drawing object you also need to find correct angles.

Use the following technique to sight the angles with pencils.

Tilt your pencil to align with a feature in your image.

Then compare it to the horizontal border of your paper. 

The angle should be as close to the actual angle as possible.

It might help to imagine the angles as hands on a clock. What time would the angle above be?

a clock's hands used as drawing checkpoints

Continue the process until you find all the angles...

Upload Day - Post Your Drawings to Your Blog

Upload the following drawings:

Your class notes
Your ellipse practice
Your Tubes drawings - Units of measure - Proportion

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Drawing in Proportion Using Units of Measure

Today we will begin to learn the skills we need make a realistic drawing.

First we need to make a drawing that is in Proportion, meaning that all elements of the object are in the correct ratio to each other.

How do I find proportion in what I draw?

Use your pencil and thumb to measure a distance on the object. This is called the Unit of Measure.

Then use the unit of Measure to find out how tall the tube is. Drop your pencil and thumb down the length of the tube and count how many widths you find.

1 width

2 widths

..and the tube is almost 3 widths tall.

Here is a link that goes into much more detail about this process.

Post Your Zentangle - Due Today

Post both your practice sheet and the Final Zentagle art. Due today.