Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Practice Drawing Zentangles

Today we will practice making Zentangles. A Zentagle is a structured pattern consisting of dots, lines, simple curves and orbs. 

It is NOT a random scribble or doodle.

We will practice making at least 9 zentangles today. We will draw a grid of 9 squares and draw in pencil. Later we will choose 6 and make a zentangle cube using various sharpie markers.

The best way to learn how to do zantangling is to do a google search. There are hundreds of videos showing you how to create thousands of designs

At first do not try to make your own. After you get the hang of it you can customize some of the patterns, but for now just find ones that you like and copy them.

Image result for zentangle

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Glaze Your Masks

Today, first take a picture of you mask before you glaze it and post it to your blog. 

Title it - Mask Bisque.

Then glaze it and put it on the shelf.
Don't forget to wax the bottom if you are going to use dip glaze.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Mask Design

Before we start to actually use clay, we need to draw sketches of our mask ideas. 

First, here are a few videos of the mask making process

How to make a ceramic mask

How to make an African style ceramic mask pt 1

How to make an African stle ceramic mask pt 2

  • Copy and Paste the photos of the masks you liked that you want to use in your own design
aaaMystrySolvd-1029Gu MaskGuacamaya mask
[3 masks: 60k]

  • Next, draw 5 small sketches of different ideas based on the masks above
  • The masks must have at least 1 add-on
  • The mask must have at least 1 subtraction (cut out)
  • The mask must have at least 1 added texture

  • Then pick your favorite from above and draw a full size skecth with all of the details you will add to your mask.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Look at and Explore Masks of the World

African Mask History, Rebirth African Art:

 Art of the African Mask, University of Virginia:

Faces of the Dead: Egyptian Mummy Masks:

Masks of Africa, Museum of Ancient and Modern Art:

Asian Masks
Ceremonial Masks from Java and Bali Indonesia:

Ceremonial Masks of Mongolia:

Masks of India:

Masks: Reflection of Culture and Religion (India):
New Guinea Masks:

Japanese Noh and Oni Masks:

Noh Mask History, Media Information Science Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan:

Central and South America
Dominican Republic:

Guatemalan Masks:

Maya Masks;

European Masks
Masks in the Ancient Greek Theatre: 

Venetian Masks:

North American Masks
Alaska: The Living Tradition of Yup'ik Masks:

Mexican Masks:

Aztec Masks:

West Coast Indian Art Tribal Masks:

More Masks Examples
Masks from Around the World

Clay Vocabulary

Write down the entire clay vocabulary - Due today

Post Your Zentangle - Due Today

Post both your practice sheet and the Final Zentagle art. Due today.